Guruji Dr.A.Sivasamy, M.A, PhD.

Nadi Procedure


When a thumb impression from a native is obtained it is handed over by the reader at the library. The palm-leaf bundles are classified & indexed in the library according to thumb impression to facilitate easy searching of the bundles. For each thumb impression there are likely to be around 5 to 6 bundles; each such bundle will contain between 50 to 100 leaves. The leaf of one particular individual may be found out in the first bundle or in any other bundle among the six. some times it may not be found out, as the predictions from this holy script is confined to some limited souls. Hence, the process of finding out this specific leaf is laborious and time consuming.

Because the reader has to read out one statement from the first leaf and if it is confirmed by the native, he will read out the second statement to verify its veracity. If this statement does not hold true for the native the reader will have to go on searching leaf after leaf, bundle after bundle to trace out the one leaf in which all the particulars concerning the Native correctly appear., To expedite this process the Native has to extend his full co-operation i.e., he should listen to the reading carefully and answer correctly.This results in the tracing out of not only the leaf but also the first Kaandam also called General Kaandam representing the native's lagna. The General Kaandam will also furnish brief predictions of the remaining 12 houses of the Native's birth chart, If detailed predictions of any other house are required, they can be studied in the relevant Kaandam given in the Annexure. For acquiring the good results, as extended by this holy script, the Rishis insist that the Native should be free from the evil influence of all their previous birth sins. Therefore, the rishis suggest and specifies the performance of certain parihaaras (remedies). If these Remedies are performed with full involvement, the Rishi assures the happening of the events predicted by him. These are found in separate chapters called Shanthi&Deeksha(No 13 & 14).


When a Jathaka or the customer wants to consult the Nadi, he has to contact the Center over phone or in person or by Post and get a date confirmed. One day before the appointed date he has to reconfirm his arrival or position or the date will be cancelled at present the waiting list is extending upto 3 months and so if the customer is unable to come for any reason, the date can be provided to the other waiting customers. At the time of getting the date, and upto the time of reading the Nadi, the name of the person consulted need not be given as his name will be told in the prediction itself, he can give some other friends or relatives name or some code names, which are to be remembered while coming for consultation.

On the appointment date, the right hand or left hand thumb impression, if the person is a male or female respectively is to be given at the Center. With the help this thumb impression, the bundles containing the particulars set or thumb impression to which, his impression belongs will be traced.

In each bundle, there may be predictions relating to hundreds of persons. Sometimes a particular palm leaf may contain predictions relating to more than one customer. In some very rare cases, one leaf or a set of leaves may contain exclusively, predictions relating to one person only. In such cases of single person predictions, we generally give the original palm leaves to the concerned Jathaka. In other cases we do not give the original leaves to the customers. These are destroyed by joining the leaves to the river Cauvery, as already explained at periodic intervals.

We however record the original Tamil predictions as given in the Nadi, in a note book and give to the customers. Then it will be transferred to other language as they wish. During the last 2 years, there were only 2 cases of single leaf predictions, one in the case of a senior IAS Officer in 1998 and the other recently in May 2000 to a senior politician, the All India General Secretary of a major ruling party. The original palm leaves were given to them. Similarly, the Japanese customer who consulted us in 1995 (video page 7) got a separate leaf (see also the photo in the appendix holding the leaf in his hands).

The selection of the particular leaf relating to a person is a time consuming process and it may take 2 to 3 hours sometime and at other times, the customers would be lucky to get it within a reference to 5 or 6 leaves. Every leaf pertaining to a person would contain facts about that person viz. , his and his wife’s name, his parents names, number of brothers and sisters, the order of his birth in the family, whether he is the son of the first or second wife, in case if his father had got married twice and such other definite facts. These are called Sakshis or witnesses. The customer should confirm or deny the facts, when it is being read from the leaves. But he should not tell the fact well in advance. If the particulars given in a particular do not agree entirely, the next leaf is taken and the process continues till the correct leaf containing the factual predictions completely, matches with his family particulars.

In many cases, the persons do not get their leaf. It means that the time to know their future hasn’t come. Periodically we bring new bundles from our Head Office, therefore those who did not get their Nadi in earlier attempts, may get subsequently. However we do not charge any fees in cases when the customer does not find his/her leaf, despite much time we spend to trace out.

When once leaves are traced, we record the original Tamil prediction, as it is, in the Note Book. As already explained, these predictions are in poetic Tamil with code words for astrological terms. These are read and deciphered by well trainedAsans who then explain the predictions in spoken Tamil. These are then translated into Hindi or English and get recorded in Tapes and given to customers, along with the Notebook containing the original Predictions.


As already explained, the Sukshma Nadi predictions are available for all the twelve Bhavas or houses. The chapter 1 containing the general Kaandam is compulsorily to be referred to, as it is considered as the index and contains exhaustive and precise predictions, commencing from the time the customer’s leaf is traced to the end of his life. This general Kanda only identifies the correct leaf pertaining to the customer as already explained in the VIth chapter. Then the planetary positions of the 9 planets are explained, from which the details of the horoscope is cast and recorded in the Notebook, where the original predictions are recorded. This horoscope tallies exactly with the natal horoscope available with the customer. However, the horoscope coming in the Nadi does not indicate the Lagna position and balance of Dasa and Bhukthi period available. In rare cases the lagna is also indicated. For further details, please refer to DasaBhukthi chapter. Then the present Gochara position of planets are discussed and if there are any serious doshams or the sins committed in previous birth is serious, preference to Shanthi and Deeksha, Kaandam are suggested. This will be experienced in the next chapter.

Thereafter the predictions are given, from the time leaf is traced to the end of his life covering all the twelve bhava affect i.e. education , profession, marriage, health, children, profit and loss in profession, service, death etc. These predictions are split up into many periods of his age (in Natal Astrology it is DasaBhukthi wise) usually to three years time at a stretch are events that will take place would be examined in details.


Chapter 13 and 14 in the Nadi Astrology, due importance is given to performing Pariharas or remedial measures to atone our Doshas or sins. The Pariharas are generally suggested in the following 3 types of cases.

(i) To atone for sins committed by us in our past births. According to the Karma theory of the Hindus, the good or bad deeds done by us in the past birth are continuing in the present life also, because of which we experience good or bad effect in the present birth. If the sins committed by us are serious ones, we have to sincerely regret for the same and do certain Pariharas. Unless we do this, we have to suffer extreme hardship.

It is true that one cannot escape from the bad effects and has to undergo the sufferings for our bad deed in past or present life. But by doing the Pariharas, we can gain some relief from our problems, as we protect ourselves from the hot sun and torrential by using an umbrella.

The Pariharams are like umbrellas. It does not prevent sufferings but it reduces the severity and density of sufferings and problems. The Nadi sincerely believes and assures us, performance of suggested Pariharas definitely protects one from the aftermath of sins of past life or the temporary bad effects caused by Gochara effects of planetary movements, in the present life.

It is a question of fate vs. freewill. Our ancestors believed, that one can overcome fate by freewill or Buddhi by devotion to god, cultivating virtues, removing on and doing bad and good things. The sage Markandeya was destined to be died at the age of 18. But by his extreme devotion to God Shiva and Purity in his thoughts he escaped from death, because of the boon given by Lord Shiva, that he would ever remain 18 years of age and so there is no question of his death.

The Pariharams are only the training grounds for us to cultivate our minds towards devotion to God, generating love, compassion good and to be good to oneself and others. The Sukshma Nadi prescribes such Pariharams, like pilgrimages to Holy temples of God and NavagrahaNayakas, offer Puja and Abhishekam, offer food and clothes to poor and handicapped persons, offer food to birds like crows, plant certain types of shade giving trees in public places and roads to enable passers by to get shade, thus protecting them from the hot sun etc. When once the person sincerely regrets for his sins committed in the past or present life and vows, by doing these Pariharams, not to commit such sins in the present life and tries to be God fearing and leading a good life full of virtues, live for selfless service, giving help to fellow human beings, we can be sure that he would be the most loved and happiest person. No body should ever dream of doing harm to others. We would appeal to our customers, that they should understand the real meaning of the Pariharams as explained above, when they are actually performing the suggested Pariharas. They should never do it in a ritualistic or methodic way and again continue life, committing the same mistakes because of which they are suffering now.

(ii) The second reason for our suffering as identified by the Sukshma Nadi, is caused by the Gochara effects or the temporary transits of planets like 7 and half years Saturn period, other planets transiting bad houses etc. The Pariharams suggested in these are also similar to the ones suggested for the first cause as explained in the previous para.

(iii) The third reason for our sufferings identified by the Sukshma Nadi is by enemies and jealous persons, evil eyes, envy or conspiracy of others viz. pilli, sunyam etc. To protect one from the deliberative doings of others envious of us, the Nadi prescribes doing certain ManthraJapas for a specified period (one Mandalam, two Mandalam etc. Mandalam means 48 days) to the copper plate dedicated to Vedic Gods like Shiva, Vishnu, Karthikeya, Lakshmi, Durga etc. and wearing such Talismans duly chanted to Gods, in the body or doing Pujas in the house. The Nadi will describe what ManthraJapa is to be done in favour of which deity and what to do with ManthraJapachanted copper plate.

It is significant to note in this connection, that the Sukshma Nadi never suggests, any retaliatory evil ManthraJapas to well known Vedic Gods and wearing or doing Pujas to the Manthra chanted copper plates or Talisman only to protect oneself from the evil effects of the evil doers.

These Pariharas are to be done only by those who are asked to do it in general chapter predictions. Others need not do any remedy. Some persons are asked to do remedial measures as suggested in ShanthiKandam Chapter 13 while some others are asked to refer both Shanthi and DeekshaKandam Chapter 13 and 14 depending upon the severity of the Doshas or defects. Furthermore, the Shanthi Kanda Pariharams are all to be done by the customer himself personally. The Deeksha Kanda Pariharams can also be done by the customer through the Vedic Pundits well versed in these Manthra Pujas. In such cases, we undertake to do such Manthra Pujas through our Head Office at Vaithiswarankoil, on payment of actual expenses.

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