Upayas (Methods) are the agam and kriyaman karmas done to neutralize the malefic effect of the planets. A jyothish can predict good or bad time but it is the upaya which has to enhance the good and relieve the bad. When one starts doing upaya the forces of dridha karmas strongly discourage and interferes with the persons will to implement the remedy. That is why strong will is a must to continue and complete the remedies.
Immediate change canbe observed with the methods when the karma in non fixed but for Dridha and Adridha Karma the result of rituals take some time minimum 40-90 days.
How well this remedy will work depends on:
The planets are not just physical masses of matter floating in the space. They are tremendously powerful astral energies or psychic forces which affect us in our astral body, the subtle energy and psychic field surrounding and penetrating our physical body. The planetary energies create a pattern, a shae astral body, which irradiates and attracts a similar energy towards it. The different planets contribute to the color and vibratory wave length is related with our thoughts, feeling, health and the situations we attract to our life. The upayas work by managing or changing those astral influences in our own astral body, strengthening or diminishing certain colors, frequencies or wave lenghts like creating a kind of protective shield.
Mantra is a combination of divine syllables or special set of words arranged in a definite sequence of sounds which are considered capable of creating transformation. When chanted with devotion, faith and emotion it gravitate the concerned god or goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings. MAN of mantra comes from the first trana or liberation from the bondage of the samsara or the phenomenal world. By the combination of Man and tra is the mantra – a word of power – a compelling force that vibrates not only in the very being of the one who utters but also subtly in the entire universe.
Guru is a guide who can understand all one’s problems and suggest mantras with the help of which one could get rid of all problems.
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