Guruji Dr.A.Sivasamy, M.A, PhD.

Vasthu astrology

Vaastu Shastra is essentially the art of correct settings where by one can place himself in such a manner so as to absorb the maximum benefit from the panchabhutas the 5 elements (space, air, fire, water, earth) as well as from the influence of magnetic fields surrounding the earth.

The scientific use of the elements create perfectly balanced environment, which ensures enhanced health, wealth and prosperity.

The authors of “Vaastu Shastra”, Maya Brahma, Viswakarma etc. revealed the peace in living. In those days Vaastu Shastra covered civil engineering, architectures, designs, sculptures, temples, Raja prasadas and building technology of viswakarma the greatest architect of Mahabharatha times, designed and built Indraprastha (capital of Pandavas) incorporating all the update layout, wide roads, lakes, Fountains, water facilities and connections of drainage system.

Similarly “Maya Sabha” designed and build by the great architect “Maya” was majestic manifestation of the ultra imaginative structure of beautiful fairy like royal palace. It was a marvelous, melodramatic comedy of illusions rendered into marble and matter with all its sensational suspense.

In short it was a dream land of frozen fantasy, which excelled the famous assembly hall of wisdom in grandeur and glory.

The knowledge of house building technology has grown so vast into special fields of architecture, engineering and interior decoration etc. while the importance of vastu has gone into oblivion where as architecture is concerned. Vaastu provides the knowledge of the principles to be adopted in building of temples, houses, corporate offices, industrial sheds, factories etc….. so as to make the native happy, healthy and prosperous.

Even in Hindu temples, idols of Navagrahas (9 planets) are placed facing the directions which they rule in Vaastu.

Sun is in center and faces east, Venus faces east, Mercury faces north-east, Jupiter faces north, Kethu faces north-west, Saturn faces west, Raahu faces south-west, Mars faces south and Moon faces south-east.

Based on properties defined for these 9 planets, usage of these directions and corners is decided in Vaastu.

For example, Mercury controls business, money flow, mathematics etc. So, north – east direction is usually full of water, green plants etc.

Raahu is the head of serpant, so heavy weights like overhead tanks, storage rooms etc are built in that direction to suppress its negative impact.

If a person is affected by malefic planet in his/her horoscope, then usually the problem comes from direction related to that planet and related corner in the house will cause frequent disturbances (or) repairs.

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