Guruji Dr.A.Sivasamy, M.A, PhD.

Vedic astrology

Vedic Astrology is an ancient system of astrology originated in India. This ancient science has been practiced in India for more than eight thousand years. It is called “JYOTHISH” in Hindi, which means the knowledge or science of light. Since Vedic astrology or Jyothish is a part (vedanga) of Vedas (ancient Indian Hindu scripts), it is known as Vedic Astrology.

There are many differences between Vedic astrology and western astrology but the main difference is that the Vedic astrologers use the sidereal system or fixed zodiac while western astrologer use the tropical system or moving zodiac.

Another important difference is that western astrology mostly deals with one’s psychological patterns and personality which of practical matters and one’s karmic patterns.

The most basic elements of vedic astrology are the nine planets or heavenly bodies and the 12 houses of the chart. The twelve signs of the zodiac are called “Rashis” and the houses are called “Bhavas” or “Sthanas”.

As per the laws of vedic astrology, everything is linked. Every action has an equal or opposite reaction. An individual’s fortune is determined by their karma that is predestined in the cosmic design.

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